You are in your season. You have trained and done everything to make this the season to remember. You are playing and you hear and feel “pop” in your leg. Your stomach drops, you know in your gut something is wrong. You go to the doctor, and they say you need surgery.

There is nothing more devastating than suffering from a major injury. What makes it worse is friends, family, even complete strangers come out of the woodwork offering advice. “I had that injury, it is devastating!” “The recovery is terrible!” “The pain is unbelievable!” What is wrong with these people?! Welcome to Motorcycle Theory.

I call this Motorcycle Theory because I own a motorcycle. People are amazed to find this out. I must not look like a “motorcycle guy.” I like to say to people “I have a motorcycle,” then I just wait. More often than not, someone will tell me the worst motorcycle story they know. “My sister’s friend was in a motorcycle accident and had his head taken off!” Why would you tell me that? I feel people try to relate from an unrelated position, like our injured athlete. They discuss and focus on the negative rather than supporting the person.

Beware of Motorcycle Theory. We, at Performance UNLIMITED, take the time to treat the person, not the injury. Our role is the translator between the doctor and patient. Our goal is to educate you on what the injury is, what the expectations of your procedure are, and to establish a specific plan of care to help you reach YOUR goals. Not the goals of everyone around you. Trust the professionals at Performance UNLIMITED. We can help to prepare you to manage the Motorcycle Theory in your life.

At Performance UNLIMITED, we provide insurance services, performance programs, and monthly memberships to help you return to YOUR goals. We know how to prepare you for your physical and mental outcomes. Give us a call and we will be happy to show you a different approach to physical therapy.

Performance UNLIMITED. We treat people, Not injuries.

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